The Anointing of Dominion


the Anointing of Dominion - P11

Dr. John A. Tetsola

Sunday, July 29, 2018


The Anointing of Dominion

Many believers today walk in fear, worry, and anxiety, and are unable to stand against the enemy is because they don’t have a revelation of the strength of God that resides in them. We quote the Scripture “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”, but many lack a true revelation of what that means. Revelation brings ownership. So many believers know the great God of the Bible and talk about Him, but very few live the life that He designed and created them to live. However, as His children and His agents in the earth realm, God created us and commands us to walk in and live in everything He has designed and promised to us. God intends for us to dominate and to bring under subjection every place and area of operation He has established us in. To do so, we must have a true revelation of the anointing of dominion. In this teaching series you will learn: • What is the anointing of dominion? • The twelve components of the anointing of dominion • The practical workings of the anointing of dominion • And more

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