Chruch Life

Chruch Life eBooks

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Building Supernatural Relationships that Sustain Vision EBook

Cost: $12.00
Relationships are one of the five most important areas of need in every person’s life. God created us for relationships. He expects us to both establish and maintain Godly relationships in our lives. None of God’s creations function alone. All are connected to someone or something. Likewise, we are not called to function alone. We are created to be connected to others. However, it is important to note that relationships will not be established and do not maintain themselves. We must take the necessary steps to cultivate them and work to keep them going. Dr. Tetsola in this powerful material explains how Godly relationships help in strengthening vision. In this book, you will learn the following: • The importance of building Godly relationships • The enemies of building supernatural relationships • How to build Godly supernatural relationships • And much more

Church Growth and the Power of Evangelism EBook

Cost: $12.00
The Lord wants His church to grow. He released His gifts in others to ensure growth and development. Many have no problem believing this. However, the conflict in the Body of Christ is, “What is the growth that the Lord approves of?” Is it a small church, mega church, or a user-friendly church? Many want to know what are the biblical principles in which I should be building my church with. What is the biblical pattern for church growth and Kingdom building.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 1 eBook

Cost: $12.00
There are many pastors and leaders of ministries who are expected to do everything for everyone in the local church. They preach, teach, pray, prophesy, lead people to Christ, visit and minister healing to the sick, cast out demons, perform marriages, funerals, counsel couples and families, teach children's church, direct the choir, lead worship, officiate over communion, baptize new converts, and the list goes on. They do these things because there is a legitimate need, and the people designated by God to handle these responsibilities either have not been chosen by the people, or they have not stepped up to the plate after they have been identified by their anointing. However, this could lead to burnout and ultimately cause a leader to stray from the true plan of God for their lives. In order to avoid such situations, leaders need like-minded members in their midst who will help shoulder the load of ministry. This is very important because as you lift the load of ministry and steady your leader's hands, you avoid defeat and bring stabilization to the corporate vision of God upon your leader's life and to all that concerns you. This module teaches how to discern your leader's need to assist in lifting the load of ministry.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 2 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Correction, chastisement, and biblical discipline are God's way of letting us know that He's not finished with us yet, and that He is about to expand our territory. However, God in His sovereignty has decided to accomplish those purposes in our lives through the leaders He has placed around us to help deaden those things in our lives that could potentially destroy our future in Him. As believers, we operate under the principle that our leaders are chosen by God, so detachment should not be an option. Rather, it should be God Who decides when it is time for you to move on. We should not allow the pain of true biblical correction and discipline to deter us from receiving the great rewards of righteousness and good gifts. Biblical chastisement and correction must be endured. We can't go around it; we must go through it, and how we go through it will determine its ultimate effect in our lives.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 3 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Commitment plays an important role in the life of every believer. The Bible clearly teaches that our first commitment should be to our heavenly Father Whom we should love and serve faithfully. However, it is very important that we understand the principle of commitment as it relates to serving those who lead us, especially during times of crises. Anyone can hang around and support a leader when everything is going well, but the strength of our commitment is tested whenever there is a crisis in your leader's life, ministry, marriage, health or family. During those turbulent days, leaders desire true relationships that serve not only as a source of encouragement and feedback, but also as safe harbors. They need to know that they are surrounded by someone who will remain committed and connected to the vision of God upon their lives. But you will never be able to remain planted and connected to that person, place, or thing unless you are willing to stay committed.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 4 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Everyone who accepts Christ as their personal Lord and Savior is put into His body in the form of a ministry. Just as the physical body has many parts to it, the body of Christ is made up of people who are called to a particular area of ministry. That area of ministry is appointed by the Lord, is permanent in the believer's life, and accompanies them wherever they go. Our ministries are gifts to each other and are meant to be an integral part in maturing and growing up the body of Christ. Your ministry in the body of Christ also assists your ministry to the local church. It puts a greater vitality in what you are doing and enables you to stay focused on how the Holy Spirit is moving within your fellowship. Understanding body ministry is vital to being an effective disciple of Christ, but unfortunately, this issue is difficult for many pastors because it implies some loss of control. It is through body ministry that the church is able to operate in many locations, settings, cultures and structures, and yet function as one entity with everyone knowing their part in it. It can also give individuals more meaning and satisfaction in serving their local church and help to prevent ministry burnout.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 5 eBook

Cost: $12.00
A youth ministry is an evangelical ministry intended to instruct and disciple youths in what it means to be a Christian, how to mature as a Christian, and how to encourage others to claim Jesus as their Savior. This is accomplished through teaching, relationship building, and mentoring. Youth ministry positively affects society by making life better for teenagers whether they are involved in ministry or not. It has also helped society by strengthening the family structure of those families involved with their church. However, in order for one to be a successful youth leader, there must be passion for youth ministry. Passionate youth leaders give God and others their attention. They also engage the culture, explore the culture to learn from it, and they employ the culture to explain truth. If you have felt a stirring in your heart and desire to begin a youth ministry, whether you are currently in an urban or a rural area, the inner city or a suburban setting, you can do it.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 6 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. It is birthed out of the Great Commission-a command from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who said, "go" before He said to heal, prophesy, or even teach. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and myths about what evangelism is and what it is not. Evangelism is not trying to get people saved. It is not sending people to the other side of the world where we feel they have never heard the Gospel. It is not passing out tracts or flyers at different locations on a weekly basis. It is not telling people that they will go to hell if they don't get saved "right now." It is not a program the church runs to try to increase membership. It is not a training ground for people who want to be pastors or preachers. It is not asking people, "Are you saved, born again, washed in the blood of the Lamb," or any other fanciful Christian language that the average person does not understand. It is not a method for getting a pat on the back from God for being a good Christian. Neither is it a way to prove how spiritual you are because you won more people to the Lord than the next person. It is not indoctrinating people with your personal philosophy of what the Bible is saying. It is not a hit-and-run, go to a neighbor­hood or a city for a few hours or a few days telling some good stories, and then packing your bags and leaving. Evangelism is winning the lost and training them in the ways of God.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 7 eBook

Cost: $12.00
If you ask most believers how they are doing, they will undoubtedly give a favorable response such as they are "blessed of the Lord and highly favored." They will declare with a broad, almost believable grin that they are the "head and not the tail," when the truth is they feel like the tail and the enemy is wagging them silly. The reality is they've been battered and assaulted by the wicked one, and are living in a cycle of spiritual ups and downs. They're in desperate need of Holy Spirit guided believers to set them right and help them get back to their rightful place in God. They're looking for a spiritual person to be of assistance, someone who won't judge them harshly by their own personal standard, but who will come in meekness, gentleness, and without any sense of superiority with the rescuing word of the Lord. The Scriptures clearly instructs those in the body of Christ who are guided and controlled by the Holy Spirit to be ready to restore and set right our brothers and sisters who have been overtaken in misconduct and sin. As we use the tools outlined in the Word of God, we will achieve the best possible outcome.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 8 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Many children attend church because their parents go to church and they do not have a choice. But what will happen when that child grows up and has to make his or her own decision? Will they know God? Will they have a desire to be a part of a ministry or to serve God? Statistics show that the majority of believers become born again as a child, and the older he or she becomes the less likely they are to make a decision for Christ. Therefore, we must reach our children now. Jesus taught the disciples that ministry to children is as important as ministry to adults. Just as it is important for adults to know, love and serve God, so it is for children. We must do all we know to do to lead children to the life­changing experience of knowing Jesus and learning what it means to follow Him. Our children are the next generation of reformers who are going to affect our world for Christ. The time for them to walk in their gifts and fulfill purpose and destiny is not when they grow to adulthood, but it is now.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 9 eBook

Cost: $12.00
A lifestyle of worship is crucial to every believer in the body of Christ. Whether you are a worship leader or a congregational member, you have a commission to make others hungry for the type of intimacy and honesty that only manifests when we are "laid bare" before a holy God. Worship is not merely the act of singing songs with meaningful lyrics, tearfully expressing our acknowledgement of His greatness, and quietly or loudly basking in the glory of God's manifest presence, although that is certainly a part of who we are. Worship is fundamentally a heart of obedience to God. It means we become so close to Him that our ears are married to God's voice. Worship strengthens our relationship with the Lord, and enables us to be more fruitful as we carry His heightened presence out into the world. Yet we often retreat to our conditioned responses in church, as opposed to heart-felt genuine expressions of our love and faith that will set us apart from the Sunday morning-only church-going pack.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module10 eBook

Cost: $12.00
The heavenly Father wants to communicate with all of us. He wants to meet our needs. He wants to exhibit all His loving attributes in our life. He wants to take His place as our El Shaddai so that it may go well with us. But in order for Him to be these things to us and His promises to be manifested in our lives, we have to hearken and obey His instructions. All throughout Scripture we are told to hearken to the instructions of God because our victory in life is based on the extent of our hearkening. To the extent that people hear and do what God says, they are led by His Spirit, they know His will, and they walk in victory, glory and peace. However, the only way to know someone is to spend time with them. So it is with our relationship with Father God. As you spend time with Him on a daily basis, and as His Words remain active and alive in you, you will be vitally united to Him. Also, God promises to reciprocate when we draw near to Him, when we connect with the comfort of His presence, when we bask in His love, when we renew our trust in Him and hear His directions for our life.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module11 eBook

Cost: $12.00
The mission field is one of the believer's mandates. Not only are we called to our neighborhoods, regions and cities, but we are also called to the uttermost parts of the world. So churches need to develop a vision for missions. We may not all get to go to the mission field. Neither is everyone called to live in remote parts of the world to preach the Gospel of Christ. But as believers we can all be supportive of missions and develop mission-minded people who can respond to the call to be missionaries. To do this, you must first understand the process of embracing the vision for a missionary call. Then you must learn how to go about making that missionary call a reality. When you respond to the call of God to go to a foreign land, your success won't be based on how much money you've raised, or how many people you'll have praying for you, or even whether you have a prophetic word from God. But it will be based on how well you know God and how well you know who you are in Him.

Governing Authorities and Their Powers eBook

Cost: $20.00
An understanding of the concepts of power and authority is indispensable to any form of effective leadership. At an elementary level, power is the ability to do something. Authority refers to the legitimate permission to exercise power.

How to Relate to Itinerant Ministers eBook

Cost: $7.00
Itinerant ministries and ministers are essential if the church is to rise to completeness and the full stature of Christ. Unfortunately, in connection with this type of ministry, there have been many problems regarding ethics, doctrines, character, finances and how these ministers are treated. Church leaders must not fear to invite qualified traveling ministers, but leaders must know how to properly receive, treat and honor the men and women of God that pass through their local churches. This book will assist you in understanding the roles of itinerant ministers and ministries and teach you how to relate to them.

Raising Spiritual Sons eBook

Cost: $12.00
Building a strong local church demands that we build with faithful, committed, loyal and dependable people...Building a strong local church demands that we build with faithful, committed, loyal and dependable people. The absence of these spirits and attitudes in those that build creates openings in a church for the easy entrance and attack of the enemy. But often, finding and raising these kinds of believers pose the greatest difficulty and struggle of most local church leaders. This powerful book teaches you how to locate and raise true spiritual sons.

Seeds of Discord eBook

Cost: $10.00
One of the spirits that has been unleashed in this hour against the Body of Christ is the spirit of discord...

Surviving the Spirit of Betrayal eBook

Cost: $10.00
Betrayal is something that has happened to people since the beginning of time. But in spite of every betrayal that you have experienced, it is important to understand that you can always survive it. This book will inspire, challenge, and teach you how to really survive the spirit of betrayal and recommit again to your assignment with joy.

The ABCs of Deliverance eBook

Cost: $50.00
God’s desire is for us to be free and stay free in the Kingdom as we serve Him so that we can experience and enjoy the Zoe life that He promised us. The enemy’s plan is to keep us bound, oppressed, defeated, tormented and have control over our lives and our destiny, for the purpose of denying us the Zoe life...

The Church Plant Guide EBook

Cost: $15.00
Planting a new church can feel like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute if you are not following the right steps. If you are new to planting, you have a ton of questions like, what steps are involved in planting a church? Why is there a need to plant a church in the first place? Or what exactly is involved in planting a church? Dr. John Tetsola is this powerful book shows you the process to navigating through the pitfalls of church planting and teaches you the ingredients to a successful church. In this book, you will be imparted with the following truths: • Understanding the call of God • What to do before church planting • How to develop a church culture • The pitfalls of church planting • The ingredients for a successful church • And much more

The Impacting Church EBook

Cost: $7.00
God wants us to be corporate in our thinking and not territorial in our desire. He desires for us to reach out beyond our local churches to our cities and make impact that brings transformation and revival. Repeatedly throughout the scriptures, we see God’s concern for cities and the people within them, both those inhabited and dominated by His people and those that were not. God is just as concerned today about cities as He was back then, and therefore so should we. Dr. John Tetsola in this book shows us the importance of having strong vision for our cities and the strategies to implementing them. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of having a vision for your city • Developing a strategy to reach your city • Developing a church that reflects diversity • And much more

The Local Church Blueprint EBook

Cost: $12.00
Strong local houses or churches are not built overnight. They are built by the pressure of certain ingredients. One of those key ingredients is commitment. Generally speaking, in society today many people are very bad about making solid commitments and following through on them. However, disciples of Jesus Christ should be known by a completely different character. Although every true child of God becomes part of God’s invisible, universal church the moment they are born again, not every child of God is committed to a local church and the vision. Commitment is one of key ingredients to building a strong and healthy local house in a region. In this book, Dr. John A. Tetsola explains powerfully some of the significant ingredients to building a strong local house in a region. This book will teach you the following: • The importance of understanding the vision of a house • The making of commitments to vision and the house • Developing the passion to accomplish the vision of a house • Having a heart for evangelism • And much more

The Mysteries of Revival eBook

Cost: $15.00
How often do we see revival banners stretched across the front of empty church buildings? Or see printed invitations to attend revival meeting at a special location only to find them packed with people who travel with that particular group. Real Christians want desperately to experience a corporate revival, but few understand the personal preparation needed for a revival...

The Pastor's Heart eBook

Cost: $11.00
Throughout history, the question regarding one of the most dramatic departures of a man of God and the dramatic beginnings of his successor has brought incredible insight and revelation to how the heart and spirit of a pas- tor can be transferred to his congregation to accomplish the vision of the local church. There is a reward, not just in heaven, but here on earth as well, for those who know that God has linked them to a pastor and who have stayed faithful to their pastor even through times of adversity. This book deals with the pastor’s heart. It deals with how to receive and maintain the pastor’s heart, how to lose the pastor’s heart, raising armor bearers around the pastor, understanding your pastor's voice and much more

The Power of the Joining of the Lord eBook

Cost: $12.00
The joining of the Lord is the divine covenant, the divine agreement, and connection that God brings us into to unite our lives, our vision, and destiny with people...The joining of the Lord is the divine covenant, the divine agreement, and connection that God brings us into to unite our lives, our vision, and destiny with people He has called us to and places He has ordained for us to help fulfill the agenda of God on earth. Anytime God joins something together, the joining cannot be tampered with. It is divine and it is backed by everything heaven possesses. This very insightful book will teach you how to locate, connect, and build the kind of relationships that will assist you in executing the purposes of God.

The Power of the Planting of the Lord eBook

Cost: $11.00
There is no doubt that God’s desire for us is that we flourish as children of God. To flourish means that we are blossoming, bringing forth Godly fruit in and through our lives. One of the most important things to happen in a believer’s life is to get planted in the house of the Lord that God has for him. This is why satan has worked at getting people out of God’s house. The last thing that the devil wants is for believers to flourish and grow spiritually. You will always have those who will say they don’t need to go to church in order to develop spiritually, but that is not what the Word of God says. Whenever we begin to develop our own belief system that does not go along with the Word of God, we are falling into idolatry. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book, exposes and explains the importance of the planting of the Lord and its blessings. In this book, you will come to understand the following: • The importance of being planted • The ten thoughts on uprooting from a local church • The enemy’s strategies to uproot you • How to flourish where you are planted • And much more

The Role of Deliverance in Contemporary Times eBook

Cost: $12.00
Many Christians go through their spiritual lives ignorant of their need for understanding and participating in spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is the key weapon of deliverance in the life of every believer in the body of Christ. The destiny God has promised the saints is not handed to us on a silver platter, nor is it going to simply fall into our laps. All the days of our Christian lives we are going to have to fight to obtain and maintain the blessings of the kingdom God has promised us. In this book, Dr. Tetsola brings clarity to the ministry of deliverance and God’s power to bring wholeness to the believer. This book will teach you the following: • What deliverance really is • The new role of deliverance • Building a deliverance team in the local church • The process for training deliverance ministries • The key elements to success in deliverance • And much more

The Sounds of Heaven eBook

Cost: $12.00
Worshipping God is not about a ritual or prayer repetition or about reciting our wish list on a daily basis. True worship requires total commitment of our body, mind and spirit. It is about exalting, adoring and acknowledging the God of the Bible. It has nothing to do with religion, but it has everything to do with having an intimate and profound relationship with God. To many, worship is associated with singing. But there are certainly other types of worship. The most important way to show our devotion to God is through our everyday lives of obedience. In this book, Dr. John Tetsola explains the power of worship and praise and how it releases a breakthrough. This book will teach you the following: • Understanding praise and worship • The seven types of praise • How to develop a praise and worship team • Avoiding the pitfalls in praise and worship • And much more

The Spirit of Divination and Its Danger eBook

Cost: $20.00
From ancient times, people have used divination to gain knowledge of the future or as a way to make money. Divination in any form is sin and yet it is constantly practiced by believers. It is not harmless entertainment or an alternate source of wisdom.

The Tragedy of Betrayal eBook

Cost: $12.00
The spirit of betrayal is the number one cause of division and splits in the local church. This spirit destroys the very core of that which annexes, which is a covenant. The enemy goes to work in a church through undermining loyalty. Betrayal does not begin overnight. It is a process. It is an ongoing leaking in a defective heart toward leadership that eventually manifests.

The Value of the Local Church eBook

Cost: $12.00
The local church is a very significant part of church life. However, the strength and the dimension of the local church in the plan of God has been greatly devalued in the sight of most Christians because of their ignorance of its purpose and benefits. The value of the local church has to return back to the believer.

Understanding Divine Placement and Alignment eBook

Cost: $12.00
God has given us the earth as our assignment. However, there are areas of jurisdiction given us by God on the earth where we would have more authority, more influence, and more strength than we would have in other areas.
