The Danger of Excuses eBook

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | The Danger of Excuses eBook

The Danger of Excuses eBook

Cost: $7.00
Excuses are the tools of the incompetent that builds monuments of nothingness, and those who make frequent use of them will seldom excel in anything. An excuse is the meat of a lie that is covered by the skin of a reason. There are no good excuses. All an excuse does is help you miss the mark. If you are going to learn to hit the mark, enjoy your potential and fulfill your destiny, you will have to come to an agreement within yourself, that there are no good excuses. As long as you dignify yourself with an excuse, you will stop thinking creatively, stop reaching your goals, stop stretching, and stop growing. In this book Dr. Tetsola exposes the spirit of excuse and it’s danger to the believer’s dreams


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