Making God Number in Your Life

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | Making God Number in Your Life

Making God Number in Your Life

Cost: $105.00
The successful believer is the believer whose heart is after God...

The successful believer is the believer whose heart is after God. It is the believer that has learned and mastered the art of making God number one in their life on a consistent basis. When a believer decides to make the heart of God and pleasing Him their desire, they activate the power of heaven to move on their behalf uninterruptedly.

To make God number one means to constantly make God’s objective, God’s desire, God’s choices and God’s decisions yours. It is to make what flicks God’s switch and turns God’s heart yours. It is to make pleasing God the main priority in your life.

In this powerful teaching series you will learn:

  • The importance of making God number one
  • They key places God must be number one in our lives
  • Why do believers struggle making God number one?
  • The imparted rewards and blessings of making God number one
  • And much more


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