Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store

Mastering Crisis in Your Life

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | Mastering Crisis in Your Life

Mastering Crisis in Your Life

Cost: $25.00
Over and over again, the Scriptures describe the faithful not as those who never saw trouble, but as those who cried out to God in their crisis. The men and women that were remembered as models in Scripture faced the greatest times of trouble and days of crises, and yet, triumphed in God. Crises are a part of life. It doesn’t matter who we are, at some point in life, we will experience a crisis. Crises are events that lead to unstable and dangerous situations affecting individuals. More loosely, it is “a testing time” or an “emergency event” in one’s life. In this book, Dr. Tetsola teaches us how to master the crises that we experience in life and thrive in the midst of adversities. The insight found in the following chapter will assist this understanding. • What crises are • How crises come into our lives • Discerning a crisis time or season • How to navigate through a crisis • And much more


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