The Pastor's Role and Responsibility eBook

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | The Pastor's Role and Responsibility eBook

The Pastor's Role and Responsibility eBook

Cost: $7.00
The goal of the pastor is to reveal the Glory of God in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to a people who need God’s grace for life. Pastors do not seek fame or recognition for themselves, but they are placed in a position of authority by the Holy Spirit. This spiritual gift is one that carries many different responsibilities. These responsibilities can often become very overwhelming and when not handled properly can cause a pastor to quit. Dr. Tetsola in this book brings understanding to the pastor’s responsibilities and several helpful points. In this book, you will learn the following: • The spiritual gift of the pastors • The traditional versus the contemporary roles of the pastor • The pastor’s responsibilities in ministry • Practical points for endurance in ministry • And much more


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