The Danger of Temptation

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | The Danger of Temptation

The Danger of Temptation

Cost: $28.00
Every one of us at one point in our lives or another is going to be tempted...

Every one of us at one point in our lives or another is going to be tempted. It doesn’t matter who you are; as you walk, progress, and develop in God, you are going to be thrust or pushed into an environment in your life where you experience some element of temptation. The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in all points, but simply because we’re tempted does not mean we have to cave in to the temptation. As we grow and develop in God there are things in us that we have not found out about ourselves yet that will be exposed to us and that will become some form of temptation. Even though we are not at those places yet, we want to be able to arm ourselves so that as long as we are in the proper place in our walk with God we can be able to deal with every temptation that the enemy brings to our lives.

In this teaching series you will learn:

  • What is temptation?
  • The three areas of temptation
  • How to guard against temptation
  • And more


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