The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement

The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement

The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement

Cost: $15.00
The Endorser is one who gives his or her approval or recommends someone else...The Endorser is one who gives his or her approval or recommends someone else. The person receiving the approval or recommendation is called the endorsee. There is an anointing that rests on an apostolic gift or man that releases the strength of an endorsement that brings restoration and thrust the believer to another level. And from Scripture to Scripture in the Bible, you will find this forgotten and neglected principle that most apostolic men walked in and activated in the lives of others and their ministers. The concept of endorsement is universal, especially in professional sports and entertainment. From Rodeo Drive to Madison Avenue, endorsements are everything. But why have we overlooked this powerful principle and the role it plays in the Church? Maybe it is because we have looked at endorsements more as a marketing ploy than a genuine Biblical principle. This book will teach you about the anointing of endorsements and then show you the process and the blessings of this powerful anointing when it is released and embraced.


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