Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store

Spirit Realm Living

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | Spirit Realm Living

Spirit Realm Living

Cost: $12.00
God desires the earth to look and operate as heaven does. It is His will that we duplicate heaven here in the earth realm...

God desires the earth to look and operate as heaven does. It is His will that we duplicate heaven here in the earth realm. Jesus prayed, “Your kingdom come.” As kingdom citizens, God charges us to establish His kingdom in the earth realm. God desires to see the kingdom fully manifested in the earth, but in order for that to become a reality, we must understand our role and the mechanism to manifest the kingdom, and that mechanism is through spirit realm living.

Dr. Tetsola, in this insightful book deals with very significant principles that helps the believer to start experiencing results from the spirit realm to the physical realm. In this book, you will learn the following:

  • The mechanism of the spirit realm
  • What spirit realm living is
  • Living from heaven to earth
  • Keys to activating the spiritual realm
  • And much more


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