
Apostolic Books

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | Books | Apostolic

How God Builds Apostolically

Cost: $14.00
God is a builder. He laid the foundation of the world. He framed the world. And when God builds something, he builds it to last.

The Price for Walking in Apostolic Power

Cost: $25.00
God’s desire is that we walk and demonstrate His power to the world. Every willing believer has the Master’s promise of power. However, not everyone possesses and walks in the promised power. This is because it is not something that you seek out or search for. Apostolic power is the degree of divine grace and capacity upon an apostolic man or an apostolic house...

Apostolic Commissioning

Cost: $10.00
Apostolic commissioning is something that most believers and churches are unfamiliar with. It is easier for most Christians to relate to pastoral, bishopric, and eldership ordinations than it is for them to relate to the ordination of an apostle...

Apostolic Expressions in the Local Church

Cost: $25.00
The local church is an expression of an apostolic center where apostolic doctrines are established and practiced...

Apostolic Governance

Cost: $12.00
Building, leading and governing an apostolic center is some times a difficult task for apostolic leadership without the proper understanding of the principles of apostolic governance...

Apostolic Lessons for Apostolic Leaders - Volume I

Cost: $15.00
Advancing the apostolic reformation demands that we understand the role of the apostolic anointing and ministry in our contemporary society...

Apostolic Lessons for Apostolic Leaders - Volume II

Cost: $15.00
The success of an apostolic center is often based on the growth and maturity of its leaders...

Building an Apostolic Team that Wins

Cost: $11.00
The most effective team spirit is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work toward a common goal...

Growing an Apostolic Church God's Way

Cost: $12.00
Growing a church is biblical and an imperative from the Lord, yet it is important to understand...

Processing Apostolic Vision

Cost: $11.00
There are many ways to get results, but not many ways to get a God result...

The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement

Cost: $15.00
The Endorser is one who gives his or her approval or recommends someone else...

The Apostle and His House

Cost: $25.00
The anointing on an apostle determines the ingredients and direction of his house...

The Apostolic Community

Cost: $15.00
Foundational to the apostolic reformation is the idea that the whole church is to be an apostolic people...

The Apostolic Culture & Pattern

Cost: $15.00
The Scripture says in Ephesians 2:20 that we “are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.”...

The Apostolic Inheritance

Cost: $15.00
This powerful book will show you how to discern the anointing on apostolic men, and how to activate and receive an apostolic inheritance.

The Apostolic Made Simple Series

Cost: $45.00
All Six Books

The New Apostolic Shift

Cost: $11.00
We are living in the church’s greatest hour. It is an hour of spiritual restoration and renewal...

True Apostolic Covering

Cost: $10.00
An Apostolic Covering is the process and the mechanism of spiritually shielding...

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies - Series

Cost: $50.00
These 9 practical, and yet powerful, strategies will launch the Body into the next realm in God...
