Author: Dr. John A. Tetsola
April 24, 2019
“Honor…your leaders in the Lord’s work.”
1 Th 5:12 NLT
If you want to encourage your pastor: (1) Cut the criticism. Most workers are evaluated each year based on their job performance; pastors are evaluated every week. Remember, if a particular sermon doesn’t scratch where you itch, chances are somebody else needs to hear it. (2) “Remember your leaders who taught you the word” (Heb 13:7 NLT), and pray for their spiritual growth. Goethe said, “If you treat a person as he is, he’ll stay that way. But if you treat him as what he ought to be, he’ll become what he ought to be and could be.” (3) Write a note. Especially when something your leader says or does ministers to you. Verbal encouragement is good, but a note can be read many times over. (4).Put your talents to work. For example, if you’re mechanically inclined, service the pastor’s car. If you’re technologically savvy, help them improve their computer skills. Instead of saying, “You need to do this,” say, “I’d like to help by doing,” Ask where your skills are most needed and become an active participant. (5) Squash gossip. James said, “if you…don’t control your tongue…your religion is worthless” (Jas 1:26 NLT). Counter negative talk with with positive comments, and correct misinformation with truth. If all else fails—walk away! (6). Be openly responsive. Nothing encourages leaders like seeing people respond to their preaching and teaching. (7) Lose the measuring stick. Instead of expecting them to be a mirror image of their predecessor, thank God for your pastor’s individual style to minister to those in need.