THE WORD FOR %e2%80%9cWORRYWARTS%e2%80%9d


Author: Dr. John A. Tetsola
November 19, 2017

“Martha…you are worried and upset about many things.”

Lk 10:41 NIV

Worry acts like a thief; it robs us of the joy God wants us to experience each day. Basically, all our worries come down to two things: that we won’t get what we need, or that we’ll lose what we’ve got. Martha was a “worrywart,” and it showed up when Jesus came to dinner. She worked hard in the kitchen while her sister Mary sat listening to Jesus. In frustration, Martha asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? (v.40 NIV). Worry makes us forget who

’s servant and who’s Lord. Notice three things in this story: (1) Martha was busy serving, but she wasn’t enjoying it. No doubt she wanted to please Jesus; it’s just that she allowed her work for the Lord to become more important than her relationship with the Lord. Has that happened to you? (2) Satan didn’t take Martha out of the kitchen; he just stole her purpose for being there. Satan doesn’t turn you against the church; he just makes you focus on yourself. He doesn’t take away your ministry, he just discourages you by saying you’re overworked and not appreciated. (3) God values your attitude more than your actions. “Do everything without complaining’ (Php 2:14 NIV). A bad attitude spoils the gift you offer to God. Jesus said, “Martha…only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen…it.” (Lk 10:42 NIV). What did Mary choose? Sitting at the feet of Jesus. He always prefers the quiet devotion of a sincere hears to the noisy attitude of a complainer. Think about it.

